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The Best Internet Connection that
Transforms the Digital Era
Biznet understands that Internet connection is now mandatory for most households, just like electricity and water supplies. Not just because we need it to work from home or online learning, many businesses are now focusing on digital activities, relying on digital platforms and utilizing various applications and social media platforms. We are entering the digital era, and all of us at Biznet will continue to inspire more people to grow their potentials and creativities in this digital era, for the good of Indonesia. Therefore, we are committed to focus on expanding our network to more areas and cities in Indonesia.
Last month, we had recently signed an agreement with the Citi Government of Kupang to provide the best Internet connection for the people of Kupang. We also support the new government’s Work from Bali initiative through the expansion of our network throughout Bali, as well as the 16 branch offices around the island that will provide the best solution for customers’ demand for a fast and stable Internet connection in Bali, which will certainly be followed by the opening of new branch offices in more areas and cities in Indonesia.
Biznet. Transforming Digital Era.
Adi Kusma
Five Interesting Facts about Startup Business
Lately, the term of startup business has become more familiar for many people, and we’re quite sure it goes the same for you, right? Actually, what is a startup business? Startup business can be defined as a small business with a potential to grow significantly, can lead the market, and be able to grow into a large-scale company. In general, startup businesses rely on technology and it depends on the available Internet network. Curious to know more about startup business? Check out the following facts about startup business.

There Are 3 New Startups Every Second
Based on data, at least there are three new startup companies every second worldwide. It means that there are 11,000 startup companies every hour! Shocking isn’t it?
90% of Startup Business Fail
Based on the number of startup businesses worldwide, only 10% succeed, while the other 90% end up with failure. This was caused by several reasons, and one of them is the lack of market research that needs to be done for entrepreneurs to build their startup business.
Startup that Established by a Team is More Likely to Succeed
In general, a startup business established and run by a team instead of a single person, has more chances to succeed and win the market. Ideally a startup business needs to be formed by a team that consists of several individuals with their own expertise, same vision, solid and committed to build a sustainable startup business.
70% of Startup Owners Start Out Working for Other People
Based on Harvard Business Review, around 70% of startup business owners started their business while working a traditional job in a certain company. Their desire to build their own startup mostly came from lack of leadership from their respective bosses, so they decided to create their own working culture and leadership style.
Huge Opportunities for Startup Business in Indonesia
In Indonesia, there is a huge opportunity for business to grow. Today at least there are more than 1000 startup business players in Indonesia, of which more of them have already formed a solid and firm community. Several startup companies also conduct special incubation and training programs to boost the growth of other startup businesses.
There Are 3 New Startups Every Second
Based on data, at least there are three new startup companies every second worldwide. It means that there are 11,000 startup companies every hour! Shocking isn’t it?
90% of Startup Business Fail
Based on the number of startup businesses worldwide, only 10% succeed, while the other 90% end up with failure. This was caused by several reasons, and one of them is the lack of market research that needs to be done for entrepreneurs to build their startup business.
Startup that Established by a Team is More Likely to Succeed
In general, a startup business established and run by a team instead of a single person, has more chances to succeed and win the market. Ideally a startup business needs to be formed by a team that consists of several individuals with their own expertise, same vision, solid and committed to build a sustainable startup business.
70% of Startup Owners Start Out Working for Other People
Based on Harvard Business Review, around 70% of startup business owners started their business while working a traditional job in a certain company. Their desire to build their own startup mostly came from lack of leadership from their respective bosses, so they decided to create their own working culture and leadership style.
Huge Opportunities for Startup Business in Indonesia
In Indonesia, there is a huge opportunity for business to grow. Today at least there are more than 1000 startup business players in Indonesia, of which more of them have already formed a solid and firm community. Several startup companies also conduct special incubation and training programs to boost the growth of other startup businesses.

Let’s Take a Virtual Bali Signature Snack Culinary Tour with Bali Bli

Nowadays, culinary become one of the hobbies and trends among many people, including in Indonesia. Apart from food is indeed our primary need; taking a culinary tour is also fun because we can try lots of new foods or signature dishes from cities we visited. Since we are now still in the pandemic situation, let’s take a virtual culinary tour with the Bali Bli program from Biznet Lifestyle. In this episode, you will be introduced to the signature snacks from Bali such as Milk Pie, Lak-Lak, Rai Banana, as well as Begina. So, don’t forget to watch the Bali Bli program only on Biznet IPTV channel 300.
Let’s Take a Virtual Bali Signature Snack Culinary Tour with Bali Bli

Nowadays, culinary become one of the hobbies and trends among many people, including in Indonesia. Apart from food is indeed our primary need; taking a culinary tour is also fun because we can try lots of new foods or signature dishes from cities we visited. Since we are now still in the pandemic situation, let’s take a virtual culinary tour with the Bali Bli program from Biznet Lifestyle. In this episode, you will be introduced to the signature snacks from Bali such as Milk Pie, Lak-Lak, Rai Banana, as well as Begina. So, don’t forget to watch the Bali Bli program only on Biznet IPTV channel 300.
“The Internet has opened the door for millions of businesses to do things differently, because there are other assets now, assets that can transcend location.”
Find Out More About Unicorn, Decacorn, and Hectocorn
The rapid growth of the digital era has forced people to keep up with technology development. This trend somehow encouraged many people to start their own startup business by utilizing technology. As a startup business, building a new business ideally needs to be started by running a market research to find and decide the right market and business strategy. As the business grows, it will turn bigger and can be measured by its value. However, do you know that startup companies with certain values have different levels and names? Find out the details in the following updates.
This is the lowest level of startups with a valuation of US $ 1 billion or Rp.14.1 trillion. The valuation value can be seen from the economic value of a startup company. Not many startup companies can reach the Unicorn level, but currently there are several startup companies in Indonesia that have reached this valuation.
After Unicorn, the next level that has received benefits and additional funds from investors will move to the Decacorn level. With an illustration of a startup company that gets 10 times more than Unicorn, which has a valuation value of US $ 10 billion.
This is the highest level of the startup company level. To reach this level, startup companies must be able to achieve a valuation value of US $ 100 billion. Judging from the high valuation, the categories of companies that have reached the Hectocorn level for the world scale are Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Apple.
#PakeBiznet Lebih Cepat! Lebih Cuan! Promo

June is the month for exciting promos! This month will be the last month for you to participate in #PakeBiznet Lebih Cepat! Lebih Cuan! promo. By increasing Biznet Home service payment transactions, you will get a number of raffle vouchers worth @Rp 100,000 according to the value stated on the invoice every month. So multiply your Biznet Home service transactions, and get the chance to win the GRAND PRIZE in the form of tens of millions of rupiah in cash, and other attractive prizes that will be drawn in July 2021.
Back To School Promo

Moreover, Starting from 1 June 2021, Biznet Home presents Back To School Promo, where customers who pay for 12 months of service in advance, customers will get free Biznet Home service subscription period for 5 months, specifically for customers who make purchases of modems. Support learning activities from home smoother with #PakeBiznet. For complete information about this special promo visit
Biznet Foundation Runs PrimaMedix Mask and Sembako Voucher Donation Programs
Biznet is running a special program, which gives a special donation of Alfamart sembako vouchers to those in need. Moreover, Biznet is also working together with PrimaMedix, one of Biznet’s subsidiaries, in donating surgical masks specially for the local government of Depok, which includes Surgical Mask 3-Ply. The donation was handed during a symbolic ceremony by Biznet to the representative from the local government of Depok, West Java, in May 2021. Aside from masks, Biznet will also provide free WiFi connection in the local government office areas, which is hoped to support the digital activities carried out by the people around the office.
Smart Internet WiFi for Stable Wireless Connection at Every Corner.

Have you ever experienced problems with unstable WiFi Internet connection in many rooms and corners at home? As we know, Internet users at home often experience this kind of problem, where solid materials that have the potential to obstruct the transmitted signal, such as thick walls and wood, block the Internet at home. This causes the WiFi Internet connection in another room to be interrupted, which makes the WiFi Internet signal not received optimally.
Seeing the need for a WiFi Internet connection that is now increasing as well as the uneven connection constraints in every corner of the room, Biznet is here to answer these problems, with support from TP-Link, by introducing Smart Internet WiFi that features TP-Link Deco M4 modem device (3-pack / antenna), which is capable of transmitting a WiFi signal to a wider area of the house, thus allowing users to access WiFi Internet connections from all areas of the house.
The presence of Smart Internet WiFi technology with TP-Link Deco M4, which is the only signal booster device in Indonesia with 3 pack antennas, is hoped to provide a fast and stable WiFi Internet connection from Biznet that can reach every corner of the room at your home. For more information, visit
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Animarsh Lab!
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Animarsh | Watch Everyday only on Biznet IPTV channel 100.

Biznet Information Signage – Pandemic Series
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted now more than ever the importance of health and safety guidelines as we look toward an eventual return to physical spaces. We are thinking of new ways to help the public to navigate the pandemic.
Here’s Biznet creates minimaslitic signages focused on the immediacy of COVID-19 information. We create simple and easy to understand visuals that help customers and consumers stay safe during the pandemic.
Feel free to download according to your needs.
Having Problems on Your Website Due to Network Excuses from the Hosting Provider?

Business owners should reconsider reliability and higher performance on their website with lesser problems. To avoid more problems, knowing the service type and quality of the hosting provider is crucial, including its features (i.e., control Panel, domain, DNS management, Public IP) to the reliability of the supporting ISP (Internet Service Provider) used by the hosting provider. The question is, do we know which hosting provides the most qualified service to support your business brand in the long run?
As the reputable cloud and hosting provider in Indonesia, Biznet Gio offers NEO Web Hosting and NEO Dedicated Hosting services within the NEO WEB, equipped with a reliable network with a backup link. Customers may choose shared web hosting using NEO Web Hosting for more affordable service starting from IDR 20,000/month and offering SSD storage quality with a broad feature selection of WordPress Toolkit to LiteSpeed Enterprise. For the dedicated compute requirements such as CPU, RAM, with dedicated IP, NEO Dedicated Hosting is the prominent option equipped with a control Panel (Plesk) and unlimited network traffic for most accessible websites and emails management.
The NEO WEB services including the network support have a redundancy design to accommodate customers’ requirements who want no interruptions on their business websites. Providing more than just free domain and SSL facility, NEO WEB comprises various offerings to accommodate easy website management for personal and business level. Starting from NEO Domain, Domain Name System (DNS) Manager, and NEO Web Space (an easy-to-use website builder). It is time to build reliable websites with NEO WEB. Find more information on NEO WEB’s hosting services through
Enjoy Safe and Relaxing Family Fun

RIMBA invites your entire family to join us starting June 3, 2021. We are currently re-launching our award-winning family friendly facilities, namely 2 unique Kids Clubs, a special children’s pool with water slides, as well as providing a 20% discount on food, drinks, and spa treatments.
Enjoy special rates and more benefits by joining AYANA Rewards membership now, it’s free! For more information, click here.
Biznet Milestones