Hello from
Our President Director.

The excitement and joy can already be felt towards the end of Ramadan month, and Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah holy day is arriving soon. This Eid moment is certainly an opportunity for people to keep in touch with each other and relieve their longing to gather with their families back in their hometown.

In today’s digital era, this gathering tradition not only can be done physically, but also virtually through group video calls, and to carry out this digital activity requires a reliable Internet connection. So in this month’s edition of Inspire Magazine, we will inform you about the importance of having a reliable Internet connection that suits your needs by using the Biznet Home product so that you can have even more meaningful moments with your family during the Eid holy day. So happy reading!

On behalf of the entire Biznet family, I would like to wish a happy Eid Al Fitr 1445 Hijriah to all of our valued customers who are celebrating. Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Biznet. Inspiring Digital Innovation.
Adi Kusma


Celebrate Eid in the Digital Era

Eid is a highly anticipated moment for Muslims all around the world. Many traditions are carried out to welcome the Eid holy day, such as going back to our hometown for a family gathering, giving donations to the less fortunate, and exchanging gift hampers. However, what is interesting in recent years is that due to the pandemic, we have been forced to adapt and change these traditions to digital ways. Digital era has already entered all aspects of life, and Internet connection has made it easier for us to keep up with these traditions.
Here are some Eid traditions made easier by the Internet connection:


Online Gathering

The digital era has changed the way we interact with each other, instant messaging,
video calls and social media allowing us to connect more quickly and efficiently. Internet
connection also gives us the convenient way to connect with family and friends who are
separated by distance and time.


Online Travel Ticket Booking

Booking tickets has become much easier nowadays, previously buying train or airplane tickets
can only be done through an agent or purchase it directly at the station/airport. Thanks to the
Internet connection, we are now able to book anytime and anywhere (including from the comfort
of our home) through our gadget devices, because with just one click we can immediately obtain
the tickets straight away.

Online Donation

We can utilize technology to help others, by using digital platforms to give charity or helping
people in need. This is in line with the social and humanitarian values contained in the Eid tradition.


Exchanging Hampers

In recent years, the tradition of sending hampers ahead of Eid to family and friends has become
increasingly common among people. With an Internet connection, ordering and choosing hampers
can be done via various ecommerce platforms and the delivery arrangements can also be done
online as well.

To carry out the four traditions above, make sure to always use a reliable Internet connection so that
all digitalk activities run smoothly.


“Technology is best when it brings people together.”

-Matt Mullenweg –Social Media Entrepreneur.

The New
Fiber Optic

Provide What You Need
with Affordable Price


The New Fiber Optic

Provide What You Need
with Affordable Price

Flexible Installation


Happy Eid Al Fitr 1445 H

The holy day has arrived, let’s celebrate it with your beloved family. Happy Eid al-Fitr 1445 H. Minal aidin wal faidzin.

Watch various exciting videos on the Biznet YouTube channel.

Subscribe now.


Biznet Participates in APRICOT 2024 Event

Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT 2024) is the largest International Internet conference in Asia Pacific, this event was attended by Internet service providers and Internet user community. Biznet attended this event to present and explain about the Biznet network infrastructure in Indonesia


Breaking the Fast (Iftar) with Biznet Customers

Biznet held another Breaking the Fast event with Customers. This event, which was held at AYANA Midplaza Jakarta, aimed to strengthen the relationship and as one of Biznet’s appreciation and gratitude to our customers who have been loyal with Biznet all this time.

Biznet Participate in Jajanrans Festival

Ramadan is the perfect time to look for iftar menus, and Jajanrans Festival can be the perfect destination. In addition to the culinary hunting, visitors can enjoy entertainment from Indonesia’s top singers. Biznet is also participating in this event by providing the best Internet connection which can be accessed for free by all visitors, so they can upload the excitement of this event to social media faster, and make online payment activities run smoothly.



Why a Reliable Home Internet
is a Must Have During Eid?

Eid is not just about celebrating the holy day, but also a moment when our hearts are filled with gratitude and happiness. Therefore, Eid is the right moment to gather with our loved ones (family and friends) to celebrate this holy day together. Many people agree that the existing technology development has had a significant impact on the way we celebrate Eid. Everything is now easier, starting from doing holiday online shopping, sending best wishes virtually, and creating more meaningful Eid moments during our big family ga\thering. Of course, all of this can only be done if we are connected to a reliable Internet. To give you more insight, let us share with you several reasons why a reliable home Internet is a must have during Eid.

Large Bandwidth for A More Perfect Eid Moment

Gathering with family during Eid is the most awaited moment. The tradition is that all extended family members both from outside and within the city gather in one house. And since we are in the digital era, these happy moments are usually shared on social media platforms. Therefore, when all family members upload content to social media at the same time, a reliable Internet with large bandwidth is needed, seeing as many gadgets are used and connected to the Internet at the same time.

Symmetrical Upload and Download, Virtual Gathering Runs Smoothly

For those of you who may not be able to return to your hometown during Eid, as long as you are connected with reliable internet, you can still stay in touch virtually with your beloved family. And make sure your Internet has symmetrical upload and download speeds so that video calls, which rely heavily on this feature, can always run smoothly.

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Ensure Your Home is Safe with Reliable Technology

Leaving our house to travel back to our hometown is one of Eid traditions. To ensure and maintain the security of our house during Eid, we can use CCTV to monitor our house in real time via our smartphone device from anywhere, so we can be at ease and have a peaceful Eid moment. However, this CCTV can only be utilized well if it is connected to a reliable Internet connection.

Make your Eid moments more perfect by using Biznet Home, a WiFi Internet service that is suitable for your home with large bandwidth and symmetrical uploads and downloads.


Celebrate Eid with #PakeBiznet

Eid al-Fitr is just around the corner, it’s time to prepare yourself including all the necessities to celebrate this holy day. Including using Biznet Home at your home, which can ensure that all digital activities run smoothly, from shopping things for Eid celebration, virtual greetings and wishes, as well as having a more meaningful family gathering at home. Biznet Home offers Internet services that suit the needs of today’s people, with large bandwidth of up to 300 Mbps, symmetrical upload and download, and also a large Internet quota of up to 10,000 GB. So, make sure you celebrate Eid day perfectly with #PakeBiznet. For detailed information about Biznet Home service packages that are available in your city and the latest promotions, you can visit biznethome.net


Signage for Public Facilities

Feel free to download information signs that can be used in various public facilities.


Biznet Bali Beach Cleaning Program

Through this CSR program, Biznet is responsible for always maintaining
the cleanliness of our natural resources by providing beach cleaning tractors
to transport all the trash scattered in the beach areas of Bali.



Expansion all over Indonesia.

Keep on extending our
services from city to city!

Biznet began operation on 1 October 2000 as Broadband Internet Service Provider in MidPlaza Complex in Jakarta Central Business District (CBD).
Biznet launched Biznet Data Center Jakarta MidPlaza, a Tier-2 Data Center facility with 700 m2 of raised floor space.
Biznet used Infrared Laser and Wireless technologies to connect 7 high rise buildings in the Jakarta CBD.
Biznet launched Broadband Internet service for Small and Medium Business (SMB) and residential users using ADSL technology.
Biznet started GlobalPOP operation in Singapore, as a hub to the Global Internet.

Biznet built the first Fiber Optic Network in the Jakarta CBD – Sudirman area, using Metro Ethernet technology with a ring configuration.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 10KM.

Biznet launched GlobalPOP in Tokyo and peer with Japan Internet Exchange (JPIX).

Biznet expanded Biznet Fiber to reach more area in Jakarta CBD area.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 50 KM.

Biznet launched Biznet Fiber with Fiber To The Home (FTTH) technology, which was the first FTTH network in South East Asia.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 250KM.

Biznet built a 300 KM InterCity network between Serang, Banten and Bandung, West Java to provide services for those areas.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 1,000 KM.

Biznet expanded the Biznet Fiber to Bali with 30 KM of Fiber Optic route.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 1,200KM.

Biznet started Biznet Technovillage Project, a Tier 3 Data Center located in Cimanggis, West Java.

Biznet launched Biznet Cloud service for enterprise market.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 1,500 KM.

Biznet launched Biznet Ventures to incubate new startup company.

Biznet expanded 2 new GlobalPOPs in Manila, Philippines and Sydney, Australia.

Biznet started IPv6 Address allocation.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 2,500KM.

Biznet started max3 Studioworks, a multimedia production facility to produce in-house contents.

Biznet Technovillage started operation on 18 July 2012.

Biznet launched max3 Internet + Cable for residential and apartment users on 6 December 2012.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 5,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 20,000 homepasses.

max3 Internet + Cable TV was launched in Bali.

Biznet Fiber home network has reached 120,000 homepasses nationally.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 7,500 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 120,000 homepasses.

Biznet expanded Biznet Fiber to Sumatra and opened new branch offices in Palembang, Jambi and Padang.

Biznet Data Center Bali started operation on 10 April 2014.

Biznet Fiber home network has reached 200,000 homepasses nationally.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 5,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 200,000 homepasses.

Biznet opened more branch offices in West Java & Central Java.

Biznet rebranded its logo and service name.

Biznet continues expanding Biznet Fiber network nationwide.

Biznet Fiber Java Bangka Batam Singapore started operation on 7 August 2015 with 2x100 Gbps capacity.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 15,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 240,000 homepasses.

Biznet expanded Biznet Fiber to Batam Island and more cities in Java Island.

Biznet Fiber Java-Bali expanded from Semarang to Surabaya.

Total Biznet Fiber Route: 18,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 350,000 homepasses.

Biznet expanded Biznet Fiber to Kudus and more cities in Java Island.

Biznet Fiber Semarang - Surabaya route is completed.

Total Biznet Fiber Route: 21,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 450,000 homepasses.

Biznet expanded Biznet Fiber to Garut, Tasikmalaya, Cilacap and more cities in Java Island.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 27,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 480,000 homepasses.

Biznet expanded Biznet Fiber to Singaraja - Bali, Batu Aji - Batam, and more cities in Java Island, Bali and Batam.

Biznet announced network expansion to Pontianak, West Kalimantan and Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province.

Total Biznet Fiber Route: 36,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 500,000 homepasses.

Biznet Officially launched Biznet IPTV service and expands Biznet Fiber network to Sulawesi by officially opened a new branch office in Manado and Medan.

On 8 August 2020, Biznet launched a new company, PrimaMedix, a manufacturing company for health products for daily use and industry.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 45,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 500,000+ homepasses.

Biznet continues expanding its network to more area/city in Indonesia, including Medan, Makassar, Labuan Bajo and Kupang City.

Total Biznet Fiber Route: 55,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 1,100,000 homepass.

Biznet expands its network to 3 provinces in Sumatra Island, including Bandar Lampung to Aceh.

Build Biznet Nusantara Cable System (BNCS) 1, which is connected from Anyer (Java) – Kalianda (Sumatra) and Sungsang (Sumatra) - Muntok (Bangka Belitung) for approximately 100 KM.

Total Biznet Fiber route: 65,000 KM
Biznet Fiber Home: 1,500,000 homepasses.

Biznet Builds Biznet Cable Station

Biznet Cable Landing Station or Biznet MarinePOP, is the main gateway to connect islands in Indonesia and the world, making it possible to provide Internet and Data Communication services with large and fast capacity.

Total Biznet Fiber routes: 100,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 2,400,000 homepasses.

Biznet Builds Biznet Cable Station

Biznet Cable Landing Station or Biznet MarinePOP, is the main gateway to connect islands in Indonesia and the world, making it possible to provide Internet and Data Communication services with large and fast capacity.

Total Biznet Fiber routes: 100,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: 2,400,000 homepasses.

Biznet Launches Biznet Nusantara Cable System-1

Biznet officially launched Biznet Nusantara Cable System -1 (BNCS -1) connecting from Java, Sumatra and Bangka islands with the reliable and latest technology by Biznet Fiber.

Total Biznet Fiber routes: +100,000 KM.
Biznet Fiber Home: +3,000,000 homepasses.

Be careful of scam on behalf of Biznet.
Information about Biznet can be accessed on biznetnetworks.com.


Blissful Eid at AYANA Komodo Waecicu Beach

Celebrate Eid Al-Fitr in blissful serenity at AYANA Komodo Waecicu Beach, where paradise meets luxury.

Join us for an unforgettable holiday experience crafted to blend Eid joy with moments of pure relaxation.

Book directly through ayana.com for a minimum of two nights stay, 01 March 2024 – 30 April 2024, and indulge in our exclusive Eid room package, complete with enticing benefits:


  • Receive IDR 300,000 resort credit to enhance your stay.
  • 10% discount on spa services and selected food and beverage offerings.
  • 15% off selected water activities and boat trips for added adventure.
  • Benefit from shared return airport transfers for 2 adults.
  • Daily breakfast for 2 adults.
  • Complimentary daily sunrise yoga sessions.
  • Coral planting program with AYANA’s In-house Marine Biologist.

For more information about this promo, please click here.

Luxurious Shared Cruise around Komodo National Park aboard AYANA Lako di’a

AYANA Komodo is now inviting guests to share an unforgettable two-day, one-night sailing adventure aboard its flagship luxury yacht, AYANA Lako di’a.

Guests are invited to reserve one cabin for a shared voyage of up to 14 guests through the ecological wonders of the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Komodo National Park.

Choose from a 69-sqm Master Suite featuring a private balcony, ocean-view bathtub, and walk-in wardrobe, or one of six 20-sqm Luxury Suites, each with a generous bathroom and private balcony to breathe in the glorious surroundings.

The shared cruises start on April 12, 2024, and will sail every Friday until October this year. Prices start from IDR 14,146,000++ per person, inclusive of full-board meals, free-flow of non-alcoholic beverages, water activities, leisure activities, digital documentation, and return airport transfers from Komodo International Airport.

To book AYANA Lako di’a Shared Cruises, please email reservation.komodo@ayana.com.


Dear Ladies, let’s elevate your game and experience the ultimate tee time delight with Riverside’s exclusive Ladies Tee Treat. Enjoy ladies only special rates that are as enticing as your swing, and as a bonus, receive a complimentary green fee voucher. It’s time to tee off in style and make your golfing days even more memorable.

Special price for the Ladies every Tuesday & Thursday, only IDR 685,000 + Get 1 (one) FREE Weekdays Green-Fee Voucher
*price inclusive of: green fee, caddy fee, & cart fee

Terms & Conditions:

  • Valid for ladies only
  • Special price only valid on Tuesday & Thursday
  • Green fee voucher only valid on weekdays (not applicable on holidays)
  • Promo cannot be combined with any other promo

For further information please click here.

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