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Smart Internet WiFi Solution

to Reach Every Corner of Your Home


Did you know that advanced technology

already exists and will be realized?


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Technology for The Future

Technology for The Future

The digital world has changed our lives in unimaginable ways and has also succeeded in providing convenience to various aspects of human life. Not only that, digital technology which is now growing rapidly in various sectors has also succeeded in giving birth to the latest innovations. With this digital revolution, almost everything we can do easily with our hands, and of course supported by the Internet.

In this month’s issue of Inspire, we’ll discuss what technologies have brought about profound changes to people’s lives. Not only that, you can also find interesting discussions about what technology has now been realized and the technology that will come next. Curious right? So, happy reading!

Biznet. Transforming Digital Era.

Adi Kusma

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Smart Technology Fulfill a Lifestyle

The digital technology revolution has made major changes to the development of the world. It is undeniable that the very rapid development of technology has now brought enormous changes that make it easier for people to carry out activities.Technology is so integrated into everyday life that it changes not only our lives but also the way we work. Generations born above the 1990s may have never experienced sending letters by post or listening to songs with a cassette player, now everyone has switched to a digital lifestyle that is all advanced and sophisticated.

The presence of artificial intelligence technology nowadays, makes it easier for all activities even though it still needs further refinement in the future, but if you think about it at this time there are many technologies that are present by updating old ways into something new and making many people impressed by the high tech that is presented, such as folding screen phones, to cars that can run without a driver.

So without us realizing it, most technology has changed our lifestyle in various aspects. Here some examples of technology that is close to our activities in everyday life:


Almost all levels of society do not even look at the current age, making Smartphones an important item that cannot be abandoned. Ease of accessing information, seeking entertainment, and facilitating work is needed in modern society with increasingly crowded activities. Now folding screen technology to fast charging from the user’s side, who uses it indirectly also gives the impression of high-tech because it gives a new feel for use in a conservative mobile environment.

Virtual Reality dan Augmented Reality

Virtual reality is a digital technology as the name suggests, presenting virtual reality in the midst of the real world. Well, you can explore this virtual reality with your senses. The senses include hearing, sight, touch, and so on. VR itself can be enjoyed for certain applications or games. While Augmented Reality is quite close to us, one example is the filters on social media platforms. Through the AR feature that is used, it can read faces and add digital elements. For example, adding blush or lips to your selfie.

Wireless Charging

Wireless charging offers convenient smartphone or IoT charging without cables, charging simply by placing the device in a dock. Just like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi technology that can transfer data from one device to another wirelessly, so also wireless charging technology is very easy to use.

From these three technologies, it is increasingly visible that technological developments are now very close to all activities that offer convenience anywhere.

Dari ketiga contoh teknologi ini, semakin terlihat bahwa perkembangan teknologi kini sangat dekat dengan semua aktivitas yang menawarkan kemudahan dimana saja.


Almost all levels of society do not even look at the current age, making Smartphones an important item that cannot be abandoned. Ease of accessing information, seeking entertainment, and facilitating work is needed in modern society with increasingly crowded activities. Now folding screen technology to fast charging from the user’s side, who uses it indirectly also gives the impression of high-tech because it gives a new feel for use in a conservative mobile environment.

Virtual Reality dan Augmented Reality

Virtual reality is a digital technology as the name suggests, presenting virtual reality in the midst of the real world. Well, you can explore this virtual reality with your senses. The senses include hearing, sight, touch, and so on. VR itself can be enjoyed for certain applications or games. While Augmented Reality is quite close to us, one example is the filters on social media platforms. Through the AR feature that is used, it can read faces and add digital elements. For example, adding blush or lips to your selfie.

Wireless Charging

Wireless charging offers convenient smartphone or IoT charging without cables, charging simply by placing the device in a dock. Just like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi technology that can transfer data from one device to another wirelessly, so also wireless charging technology is very easy to use.

From these three technologies, it is increasingly visible that technological developments are now very close to all activities that offer convenience anywhere.

Every once in a while, a new technology, an old problem, and a big idea turn into an innovation.

Dean Kamen

American Engineer


Did you know that advanced technology already exists and will be realized?

Talking about technology is never ending. Especially nowadays there are various technologies that have sophistication and are more advanced than before. Along with the presence of various technologies that provide benefits to facilitate the daily life of the people. The more people need more things, then encourage the presence of newly created technologies. Proven by a lot of technology innovation, which has been present in the people that can make activities easier and faster. It also encourages developers in the IT sector to present the latest technological innovation concepts. Well, about what advanced technology already exists and will happen in the future? Let’s take a look below.

Autonomous Car or Driverless Car

This is a technology that provides an experience for self-driving cars that are able to carry passengers without being driven by a driver. This can happen through a specially designed software system so it can move the steering wheel, brakes, gas and others by itself. Not only that, each side of the car is also provided with a special sensor camera that can detect motion and determine direction. In the future, maybe we will see technological developments that present flying cars like in sci-fi movies.

Smartphones with Flexible Screens

Besides providing software updates for the smartphone industry, Several manufacturers are also competing to launch the latest technology, namely with a folding or flexible screen which has now become the latest trend. In the future, it’s not just about providing sophistication to the software but also the flexibility of the body with a full screen that makes it easier for users to store their gadgets.

Clothes Folding Machine

A new technological innovation that can make it easier for you when doing your daily household chores, namely a clothes folding machine. This sophisticated machine is capable of ironing and folding clothes in a few seconds by using sensors automatically. With this machine, you only need to put the clothes in and later the machine will detect what type of clothes are in them to determine the pattern of folding.

Space Tourism

Incredibly great technology is that you can enjoy space travel. Later, the tourists who have registered will be launched with high-pressure capsules flown by balloons. Before starting the journey, Space travelers will be provided with technical training which includes procedures while onboard and in space. 

Biznet on Youtube

Watch various exciting videos on Biznet YouTube channel, from entertainment, latest or updated information and special promos from Biznet. Subscribe to Biznet YouTube channel now, so you don’t miss other exciting contents from Biznet!



Biznet Enliven The Allo Bank Festival

Music concerts can be considered as one of the most awaited events this year, after approximately two years the entire community can only watch music concerts virtually. Releasing the longing for music concerts, the Allo Bank Festival held a music event featuring various genres of music, and inviting both local and international musicians.

The Allo Bank Festival was held at Istora Senayan GBK, Central Jakarta from 20 – 22 May 2022. This event was enlivened by South Korean musicians NCT Dream, and Red Velvet. Also presented special performances from Ari Lasso, Padi Reborn, Raisa, and  Project Pop.

As one of the leading Internet service providers in Indonesia, Biznet also supports music festival activities that support the creativity of Indonesia’s young generation. By providing a free Wi-Fi connection for all visitors to this event. Not only that, but Biznet also provides a spot where visitors can relax while enjoying free fresh drinks at the Biznet booth while waiting for the performance of their favorite musicians.

This Internet access was expected to make them keep exist and easily upload the excitement of the event on their social media. Moreover, the those who came to Biznet’s booth at the event area can play exciting games as well as get various of Biznet’s exclusive merchandise.


Smart Internet WiFi Solution to Reach Every Corner of Your Home

The availability of an Internet connection has become a major requirement that must be owned by each house. Of course, because people now need an Internet connection to support all digital or online activities. However, some of you must have experienced problems with their WiFi Internet connection when in a room or corner of your home. It might happen because common home materials such as thick walls and wood, which potentially block the signal transmission, often block the signal.

Seeing from the problems that often occur due to an uneven Internet network, which results in an unstable WiFi internet connection, Biznet introduces the Smart Internet WiFi, to be a convenient solution for home Internet users for the unstable WiFi signal at home to make it signal to a larger area. The technology is supported by Mesh WiFi AC1200 Whole-Home from TP-Link Deco M4 (3-pack/antenna), which is able to strengthen the WiFi Internet connection network to a maximum of up to 800 Mbps. So, you don’t have to worry anymore about being in every corner of your home or far away from the location of the point router device, because there will be more area and rooms in your home that can be reached by the WiFi Internet network. For more information, please visit biznethome.net/product/smart-internet-wifi.

Good News! Free Biznet Bandwidth Upgrade for All Biznet Home Loyal Customers.

Digital activities have now become easier and more efficient with the present of an Internet connection at home. To maximize digital activities at home, as our appreciation, starting from June 1, 2022, has officially upgraded bandwidth capacity up to 250 Mbps for Biznet Home services without additional fee charges.

Biznet service upgrade is expected to support the people in order to stay productive in carrying out activities from home, which requires the best Internet connection. For loyal customers who have used Biznet Home services, we will automatically upgrade bandwidth without any charge. In addition, for new customers who register for Biznet Home service, they will get the latest new bandwidth. For more information about this promo, visit biznethome.net.

Why Biznet?

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Biznet Information Signage

Pandemic Series

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted now more than ever the importance of health and safety guidelines as we look toward an eventual return to physical spaces. We are thinking of new ways to help the public to navigate the pandemic.

Here’s Biznet creates minimaslitic signages focused on the immediacy of COVID-19 information. We create simple and easy to understand visuals that help customers and consumers stay safe during the pandemic.

Feel free to download according to your needs.

Biznet Information Signage

Pandemic Series

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The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted now more than ever the importance of health and safety guidelines as we look toward an eventual return to physical spaces. We are thinking of new ways to help the public to navigate the pandemic.

Here’s Biznet creates minimaslitic signages focused on the immediacy of COVID-19 information. We create simple and easy to understand visuals that help customers and consumers stay safe during the pandemic.

Feel free to download according to your needs.


Happy Days and Holidays

Summer holidays are a perfect time to create lasting memories with those you love. At AYANA, you will find more than enough fun-filled activities to keep everyone active and engaged throughout your stay. We have something for everyone, and we can’t wait to welcome you! From rest and relaxation in a wellness-focused setting to active adventures, we have it all.

Book now to enjoy the best price offers starting from IDR2,453,000++/night for RIMBA Jimbaran BALI by AYANA, IDR 3,920,000++/night for AYANA Resort and Spa, BALI, and 9,518,000++/night for The Villas at AYANA Resort, BALI.


  • Min 3 night
  • Daily breakfast for 2 adults and 2 children below 9 years old
  • Free upgrade  from Hillside Room to Jimbaran Room  (RIMBA Jimbaran BALI by AYANA)
  • Free upgrade from Deluxe Room to Deluxe Ocean View Room (AYANA Resort and Spa, BALI)
  • Resort credit of Rp 200,000 per stay for RIMBA / Rp 300,000 per stay for AYANA and The Villas

For more information, please click here.

Biznet Milestones
