Table of Contents

July 2022 | Vol. 07


What’s Up Today

Digital Platform,

Making All Activities Easier

Hot News


from Biznet

Product Review

Support Digital Activities at Home,

Biznet Upgrades Bandwidth Capacity

for Biznet Home Service


Get to Know the Various Digital Platforms

We Use Daily


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Digital Platform Technology

Digital Platform Technology

Digital platform is a term we often hear recently, along with the rapid development of the digitalization era in various aspects of life. With this development, many companies have created new digital platforms to meet the needs of the people. The presence of digital platforms is part of the digitization process we must follow. Because all of our life activities can be left behind if we don’t want to follow it.

In this edition of Inspire, we will discuss about digital platform and its benefits, as well as the types of digital platforms that we can use to support our daily digital activities. Moreover, we will also provide some updates about Biznet that continues to expand its coverage area to a wider area on Kalimantan Island. Let’s find it more in Biznet Inspire July 2022 edition. So, happy reading!

Biznet. Transforming Digital Era.

Adi Kusma


Digital Platform, Making All Activities Easier

Digitalization is currently developing very fast, this happens because people are aware of the need for technology, which can be integrated with a digital system, making all activities more effective and efficient. Departing from this, without us realizing there are many digital platforms, where their existence plays a very important role, as a means to support people’s daily activities.

The term digital platform must be familiar, especially in the last few years. Now, digital platform applications come with a diversity of functions that can be adapted to the needs of every society. Due to its widespread nature, several applications have become very important, such as social media platforms, audio-visual platforms to online platforms or commonly known as e-commerce.

But what are the benefits of digital platforms for people’s daily lives? Apart from making activities run more efficiently, there are other benefits, such as:

Information Exchange Becomes Faster

Information can now be obtained no longer in a matter of days or hours but in a matter of minutes or seconds. The presence of various news portal platforms, and social media makes the exchange of information easier and faster to obtain.

Easy To Make Transactions Anywhere

Advances in digital platforms also provide us with the convenience of digital transactions. Plus the number of online shopping platforms or e-commerce also has a big influence on digital transactions such as mobile banking, and QR barcodes.

Easy to Access Transportation Booking

An increasingly sophisticated digital platform to provide convenience for society with an online transportation platform. Not only for vehicles but also for sending goods, to ordering food, an innovation that has succeeded in changing people’s habits, and its existence has helped solve the congestion problem that is often experienced by urban areas. Using an online transportation application does provide benefits for many people.

Information Exchange Becomes Faster

    Information can now be obtained no longer in a matter of days or hours but in a matter of minutes or seconds. The presence of various news portal platforms, and social media makes the exchange of information easier and faster to obtain.

    Easy To Make Transactions Anywhere

    Advances in digital platforms also provide us with the convenience of digital transactions. Plus the number of online shopping platforms or e-commerce also has a big influence on digital transactions such as mobile banking, and QR barcodes.

    Easy to Access Transportation Booking

    An increasingly sophisticated digital platform to provide convenience for society with an online transportation platform. Not only for vehicles but also for sending goods, to ordering food, an innovation that has succeeded in changing people’s habits, and its existence has helped solve the congestion problem that is often experienced by urban areas. Using an online transportation application does provide benefits for many people.

    The presence of a digital platform also has a positive impact on society. Changing the pattern of life to be more familiar with the digitization process, makes all activities take place effectively and quickly.

    The biggest part of our digital transformation is changing the way we think.

    Simeon Preston

    Managing Director & Group Chief Operating Officer

    at FWD Insurance


    Get to Know the Various Digital Platforms We Use Daily

    The lifestyle changes make the digitization process fast and extensive, which encourage many companies to develop a variety of new digital platforms, with the aim to make everything easier and to answer the people’s daily needs. Digital platform itself is a collection of applications (software) that can be used digitally, which of course must be connected with Internet services.  Digital platforms have different types, functions and purposes depending on each initial concept. In other words, digital platforms offer services that can be used by people. Moreover, an application or software will also continue to be developed along with the increasing people’s needs. To find out more about the digital platforms that are used daily, let’s see the explanation below:

    Social Media Platform

    Social media platform is one of the digital platforms that is very popular. Because social media platforms are continuing to develop every year, by allowing its users to share content such as writing, photos, and videos. Moreover, social media also becomes a place to socialize with each other, as well as can support marketing activities especially in increasing brand awareness.

    Marketplace Platform

    This platform is one of the platforms that is often used or very familiar among the people. The marketplace platform is an online site or application that connects buyers and sellers, providing facilities for buying, exchanging, renting or negotiating an item. In addition, there are now many marketplaces that you can choose according to your needs for your business. You can even sell in more than one marketplace so that the business can reach a wider market and we can easily look for our various needs.

    Payment Platforms

    This platform provides convenience for making financial transactions without using cash, or you can call it cashless. In the current digital era, people have relied on the presence of electronic money in the form of cards and applications on mobile phones. Therefore, the online payment process provides convenience for people to make payments including paying for food, transportation and other services.

    Transportation Platforms

    The presence of a transportation platform provides convenience for daily life as well as being a solution in choosing transportation easier, faster and more comfortable. So, customers just place an order in the transportation application by entering the pick-up and destination addresses. Moreover, this platform has also opened up jobs opportunities and helped increase the people’s economy.

    Biznet on Youtube

    Watch various exciting videos on Biznet YouTube channel, from entertainment, latest or updated information and special promos from Biznet. Subscribe to Biznet YouTube channel now, so you don’t miss other exciting contents from Biznet!


    Jakarta E-Prix 2022

    The Formula E or Jakarta E-Prix 2022 was successfully held on 4 June 2022. Formula E Jakarta 2022 itself is the first electric car race to be held in Indonesia. Therefore, this sport event certainly attracts a very large public enthusiasm.

    Seeing the great enthusiasm of the public, the organizers of Formula E have also prepared steps so that people who watch the race feel comfortable and safe. One of which is by the ticket redemption, which can be done a few days before the day of the event, so people do not have to rush to redeem tickets on the day of the event. Biznet as an Internet service provider also supports this sport event, especially for the ticketing process, where Biznet provides the best Internet connection so that the ticket redemption process at the Jakarta Internet Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran can run smoothly.

    The success of this year’s Formula E in Jakarta is a motivation and hope for Indonesia to be able to organize the next world-class sport event.

    Biznet’s Coverage Area is Now Wider in Kalimantan Island

    Knowing the ever-increasing need for the Internet, Biznet is aggressively expanding its network to more areas in Indonesia. Recently, Biznet, which has been available in Kalimantan island, specifically in Pontianak since 2019, is expanding again its network on this island to Samarinda and Balikpapan.

    In Samarinda, Biznet has launched the Biznet Samarinda Gunung Kelua branch office, which is located at Jl. Lieutenant Gen. Suprapto No. 11, Mt. Kelua, Samarinda. And for several areas that have been covered by the Biznet network in Samarinda, including Dadi Mulya, Sidodadi, Bugis, Sungai Pinang Luar, Port, and others. Meanwhile, Biznet’s expansion in Balikpapan is done along with the launch of Biznet Balikpapan Damai branch office at Komplek Ruko Haryono Palace No. 12, Balikpapan, with Biznet coverage area in several villages such as Muara Rapak, Batu Ampar, Mount Samarinda, Mount Samarinda Baru, Damai Baru, Damai Bahagia and Mount Bahagia.

    The expansion of Biznet’s network in the central region of Indonesia is a proof of Biznet’s commitment in providing the best digital infrastructure and Internet services for the people of Indonesia, as well as reducing the digital gap in Indonesia. Biznet will continue to expand its network so that more Indonesians will be connected to the best Internet from Biznet.


    Support Digital Activities at Home, Biznet Upgrades Bandwidth Capacity for Biznet Home Service

    It is somehow undeniable that now, the need for digital activities at home is increasing. Not only for work and school from home, but also other digital activities including movie streaming, updating social media, playing online games, exercising and virtual holiday, which are activities that we often do. Therefore, the presence of the Internet must also be able to fulfill all digital activities at home. In other words, the reliable Internet connection at home can make activities easier and more efficient.

    Now the Internet has become a primary need that must be available at home. To maximize the need for Internet services at home, Biznet, through Biznet Home service, upgraded the bandwidth up to 250 Mbps for free on June 1, 2022. As an integrated infrastructure company in Indonesia, Biznet continues to create new innovations that can provide the best Internet experience with the best WiFi Internet service. So that all Biznet customers can enjoy WiFi Internet service with a larger bandwidth capacity to answer the need for an Internet connection that can support digital activities. The bandwidth upgrade of Biznet Home Internet service is only valid in Java, Bali, Batam, and Bangka Islands, and for Sumatra and Kalimantan Islands, the bandwidth upgrade is only valid for Biznet Home Gamers 3AS package service. For more information, please visit

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    Biznet Information Signage

    Pandemic Series

    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted now more than ever the importance of health and safety guidelines as we look toward an eventual return to physical spaces. We are thinking of new ways to help the public to navigate the pandemic.

    Here’s Biznet creates minimaslitic signages focused on the immediacy of COVID-19 information. We create simple and easy to understand visuals that help customers and consumers stay safe during the pandemic.

    Feel free to download according to your needs.

    Biznet Information Signage

    Pandemic Series

    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted now more than ever the importance of health and safety guidelines as we look toward an eventual return to physical spaces. We are thinking of new ways to help the public to navigate the pandemic.

    Here’s Biznet creates minimaslitic signages focused on the immediacy of COVID-19 information. We create simple and easy to understand visuals that help customers and consumers stay safe during the pandemic.

    Feel free to download according to your needs.


    Fasilitas Interkoneksi Terlengkap untuk Hadirkan Teknologi Edge

    Dengan 48 data center masih terpusat di Jakarta dari total 74 data center di Indonesia, lalu lintas jaringan tentunya masih mengarah ke Jakarta dengan segala permasalahan latensi yang memperlambat kecepatan distribusi konten ke daerah. Biznet Data Center (BDC) kini tengah mengambil inisiatif untuk membangun infrastruktur berbasis edge yang mampu memecahkan permasalahan ini. Salah satu inisiatifnya dengan menghadirkan simpul Internet Indonesia (IIX) dari Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jaringan Internet Indonesia (APJII) dan merupakan simpul pertama di luar Jakarta berkapasitas 100 Gbps yang dimulai pada Maret 2022 lalu. OpenIXP dan Biznet Internet Exchange juga merupakan fasilitas internet exchange yang telah ada di BDC, termasuk interkoneksi gratis ke 6 data center lainnya. Melengkapi fasilitas interkoneksi, BDC juga menerapkan neutral carrier policy yang memfasilitasi pengguna untuk bebas memilih banyak internet service provider (ISP) pada layanan kolokasinya.


    Sebagai Data Center bersertifikasi Tier-3 Facility, BDC dipastikan aman dari potensi ancaman bencana alam dan memiliki ketinggian 99 meter di atas permukaan laut. BDC telah memiliki sertifikasi internasional, seperti PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, dan ISO 450001. Didukung jaringan kabel serat optik yang dimiliki Biznet di lebih dari 170 kota di Indonesia, inisiatif edge akan siap rampung di beberapa kota besar pada akhir 2022. Setiap edge data center akan dilengkapi layanan edge computing seperti content delivery network (CDN) dan layanan server virtual dari Biznet Gio untuk memberikan performa content yang sangat cepat kepada user terdekat. Untuk mendapatkan informasi fasilitas interkoneksi pada layanan kolokasi BDC, Anda dapat segera menghubungi

    Relax, Recharge and Reset

    AYANA is the ideal place to vacation and relaxes your mind. AYANA has the AYANA Wellness program to restore, revitalize, and relax the body and mind, which inspires you to lead a healthier life. Connected with the beautiful natural atmosphere, along with serving healthy foods make this program suitable for increasing the optimal immune system.

    Book now to enjoy our best price package deals:

    • 3 Night Full – Board Wellness Package

    Benefit: 2 days Wellness Spa including full board & 1x Wellness breakfast on last day

    RP 19,924,000++/ one person

    Rp 34,724,000++/ two person


    • 5 Night Full – Board Wellness Package  

    Benefit: 4 days Wellness Spa including full board & 1x Wellness breakfast on last day

    Rp 37,330,000++/ one person

    Rp 66,730,000++/ two person

    • 7 Night Full – Board Wellness Package  

    Benefit: 6 days Wellness Spa including full board & 1x Wellness breakfast on last day

    Rp 55,102,000++/ one person

    Rp 99,102,000++/two person

    The booking period starts from 6 June – 30 December 2022, and the stay period starts 11 June – 31 December 2022. For reservations and more information, please click here.

    Biznet Milestones
